Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A banking low as Gardai raid Anglo Irish

I have heard of pub raids and drug raids but this morning was the case of the long overdue bank raid. Anglo Irish Bank- Ireland's third largest bank became the centre of the gardai's attention, led by the Officier of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE).
A month after the government took control of the bank, and senior staff walk free and tan themselves in Spain, dozens of workers line the streets in fury.
Blind eye regulation and a lax banking environment has resulted in a mountain of deceit hidden by the trusted bank manager until now and the problem is bigger than anyone could have ever imagined .Insider trading,concealed loans and false accounting among other offences are coming out into the open. Our international partners look on us now with our tattered banking reputation and industrial relations frustration etched on the faces of society, as billions of euros leave the country every week.
Why did Brian Lenihan fool us all into thinking "that he would look after the little people" during his budget speech when it is always us the poor tax payer with our measly pensions that must deal with the difficulties while the white collar workers face no convictions?

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